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Jingle All The Way Movie Download

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Did the final product mean to age so well and stand as the true meaning of Christmas? Was it satire or all a very lucky accident? Either way, its fun

Jingle All the Way Trailer Meet Howard Langston, a salesman for a mattress company is constantly busy at his job, and he also constantly disappoints his son, after he misses his son's karate exposition, he tries hard to come up with a way to make it up to him, this is when his son tells Howard that he wants for Christmas is an action figure of. Doutor estranho filme completo dublado hd download torrent. Watch Jingle All the Way 123movieshub: Meet Howard Langston, a salesman for a mattress company is constantly busy at his job, and he also constantly disappoints his son, after he misses his son's karate exposition, his son tells Howard that he wants for Christmas is an action figure of his son's television hero, he tries hard to to make.

diac2287 December 2006
Satires are hard to come by. Good satires are much more rare. Satires that fooled everyone, from the audience to the actors playing in the film are toughest to find. Jingle All The Way achieves just that. By throwing a social commentary joke over the heads of audiences instead of into their minds, and then by delivering a biting message that stands just as true today as it did when it first came out, Jingle All The Way went from disappointment to one of the most realistic holiday films ever, despite its lack of realism. The hypocritical statements are flying in this first paragraph, but the truth is almost everyone missed the joke, the main picture. What looks like pure family fun turns into commentary with an attack on commercialism and the American public buying into the scheme. Even if you don't want to look into the deeper details, why skip out on Sinbad and The Terminator going at it?
Jingle All The Way follows a workaholic dad by the name of Howard who disappoints his wife and son year after year. After missing another karate practice, Howard promises to not only show up at the parade the next day, but also get his son the TurboMan doll that is based off Jamie's favorite television show, favorite cereal, and favorite hero. The catch is simple: it is impossible to find the doll since it's a massive hit. Not only that, but most shipments are not arriving on Christmas Eve (notice the setting getting a bit dangerous), therefore increasing the supply-and-demand. Howard is still determined to find the doll and not disappoint again. Christmas Eve turns into D-Day on the shores of stores across the nation.
This sort of idea has always been present in television shows everywhere, but to take a simple concept and stretch it into a full-length motion picture is a challenge to the utmost level. Thankfully, we have good writing by Randy Kornfield, decent direction by Brian Levant, and the supervision of Chris Columbus (Home Alone, Harry Potter, Mrs. Doubtfire, Adventures in Babysitting). Looking past the seemingly heavy dosage of criticism against American society and Big Business, we see the cast throw our victim fathers into every possible awful and unfortunate scenario possible, and the range of ideas presented are amazing.
Arnold Schwarzenegger must have a sense of humor, because he isn't afraid of embarrassing himself by getting beat up and pulverized by the holiday rush, a bitter mailman, and a Santa Claus that can scare blind children. His performance by no means is Oscar-worthy, but we see him with his determination like in his usual action films, but in a whole new arena, a totally different atmosphere, and that just adds a dosage of humor to the entire film. To see an action star have to claw his way out of a melee of people trying to get bouncy balls is priceless. Almost as rare as Schwarzenegger looking wimpy is Sinbad in a superb film. His performance as the disgruntled mailman just matches him perfectly, and his determination to get the doll is just as bad. Rounding out the cast is a bunch of underrated and/or B-list stars like the brilliant Phil Hartman, Rita Wilson, Robert Conrad, and James Belushi.
Why in the world would anyone want to skip a movie in which we see a rumble involving an angry dad and a bunch of Santa Claus frauds running an illegal toy-manufacturing/distributing operation (Best scene of the movie for sure)? Why miss out on The Terminator take on a raging reindeer? Why skip out on a mailman posing as TurboMan's villain and flipping the bird to spectators during a family parade? With an endless amount of silly, over-the-top, brilliant moments in which represent Christmas at its truest, Jingle All The Way stands as the most realistic holiday movie ever, since it really shows what its all about. Forget the sappy messages you see in Christmas movies, it doesn't matter what you did, what illegal things you performed, how many assaults you have committed, as long as you get that gosh-darn toy for your child in Christmas, it will all be forgiven.
Everything in this film, whether unintended or intentional, downplays the meaning of Christmas and all that goes on. There isn't a single decent Santa Claus in the film; they are all corrupt human beings with a different agenda. The stores are not trying to please anyone; they just want money for themselves and enjoy seeing people scrap for chances of earning a doll like starving dogs fighting over a hunk of meat. The main child doesn't say he wants his dad to stay home for Christmas, he says he wants a certain doll, and even recites the entire commercial, including the final words 'Batteries Not Included.' Nobody is helping each other; everyone is fighting, pushing people towards aisles and toy displays. While the entire thing is comical, it truly does happen in the real world. There was even one pivotal scene in which Byron the mailman discusses the importance of getting that special gift; he compares himself to another child that got the hot item on a certain year. Byron is disappointed, grows up to become a loser; neighbor that gets the doll becomes a multi-millionaire.
Can a Christmas without material possessions scar you and turn you into a loser? Or is it Commercial America making it seem that way? Is this film a perfect satire or did it accidentally become that way? While the clues are pointing towards lampoon, Levant looks like he really aimed for the heartfelt, emotional Christmas movie with the bittersweet ending. Instead, we get a film that predates (and apparently predicts) the Tickle Me Elmo, Pokemon, Playstation, and Furby holiday horror stories. From the campy introduction to the hysterical final showdown, it's a great movie for what it is, and after aging like fine wine, becomes something more�accidental or not.
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Critics are wrong!
carth25 February 2010
Sometimes critics mistake.This is definitely an example.You see some movies don't need to be reviewed,you just need to watch them first,and then judge your feelings. So idea of the movie is great,and its pretty familiar to EVERY father on Christmas.And that's why people like to associate themselves with Arnie's character.There are a lot of misadventures(you wont remember every after ending i promise),but they actually work out pretty entertaining,sometimes even laughably funny (Santa's gang scene). Also contains good soundtrack,that includes Chuck Berry's 'Run Rudolf,Run'. i also like casting choice for Ted.I don't like this type of sleazy scumbags,thats why he is so realistically annoying.
Not much else to say,WATCH IT NOW.
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Great fun
ses-44 April 1999
Everything about this movie is great. It has a great cast (With a wonderfully sleazy Phil Hartman). A great script with loads of laughter.
It's obviously created as a spoof for the Christmas buying crazes that go on in the world, where everybody must have that one very special toy.
It has the look and feel of a children's movie - but I'm not sure it is, or was ever designed to be.
Don't expect a Schwarzie action movie. It's more a live-action cartoon.
Jingle all the way is a movie I've seen a couple of times now - and I'll watch it again and again. Good fun. 8/10.
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'Nobody Likes you Booster'
Staymetal839023 November 2007
This movie is so ridiculous, but so funny at the same time. I watch it every Christmas just to hear many of the Schwarzenegger phrases like: - Who told you you could eat my cookies? - Put the cookie down..NOW! - Nobody likes you Booster (maybe Sinbad's line) - I'm not a pervert.. and the many times he says 'Jamie', I hated that darn brat..what a spoiled kid Anakin was.
But this movie is funny how it shows that parents are crazy to get one toy for their spoiled little brat. Sinbad is hilarious, and I miss him in movies, and it has the good 'ol Phil Hartman.
Arnold faces an army of Santas, which is funny as well as his corny lines I watch this to hear. Although this isn't the best Christmas movie, it's still enjoyable.
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2 lunatics vie for a toy at Christmas
This film shows the insanity of Christmas. Two parents, who waited untill the last minute to buy a popular gift for their child, spend all of Christmas Eve trying to come up with the toy. They were vicious and violent with each other in their efforts to secure the piece of plastic junk for their little darling. This picture shows just how goofy people act at this time of year. Instead of preparing, most folks wait till it is too late; all in the name of Christmas spirit. Arnold portrayed a man who ignored his boy all year, and then tried to buy his love at Christmas with a pitiful little bauble. How true of real life. A funny movie on one hand, a tragedy on the other. Look and learn.
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Lord help me, I like it
lover10115 July 2005
First of all, let me say I am way easier on Christmas movies than I am general releases. I don't know why. Maybe its that its the time of the year, and all the tinsel dust gets settled into my brain until I am in a stupor..
But this movie is not that bad. If you just look at it as a lighthearted, fun with the family movie, then you will have fun. It does get real, real cheesy at times, but most of the movie is funny and entertaining. That's all you can ask for from a movie. The biggest drawback is Jake Lloyd. I have never liked him as a child actor. You could always tell he is acting, and he always sounds so damn whiney. Heck, behind Jar Jar, Jake Lloyd is the most annoying actor.
Other than that, it is fun. Hey, if it comes on TV, pop some pop corn, grab the kids, and tune in!
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Despite its problems, I thought it was funny
rebeljenn31 December 2005
'Jingle All The Way' is a Christmas story about merchandising and family. A lot of people seemed to really hate this movie, but I did not think it was all that bad. Sure, some of the action and the story was not the best, but I thought it did provoke a lot of laughter. The scenes with Arnie at the warehouse filled with Santas and elves was funny, and it had a good ending with the father becoming the hero after all. It does represent the bad of the holiday season with all the merchandising and the over-emphasis on that one particular toy that kids must get for Christmas, and if they do not receive it, then they are outcasts. Despite its problems, I did find it a funny and worthwhile film.
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One of the best Christmas movies I've ever seen
Catherine_Grace_Zeh18 November 2005
JINGLE ALL THE WAY, in my opinion, is one of the best Christmas movies I've ever seen. I thought that Howard (Arnold Schwarzenegger) should have paid a little more attention to his family. The one person I really couldn't stand was Myron (Sinbad). This was because of his attitude. Plus, he tried to hurt Jamie (Jake Lloyd). I must say that Howard was very foolish to wait so long to buy Jamie's present. Even my parents have more sense than that! No offense to you, Howard. If you ask me, Liz (Rita Wilson) looked very beautiful in the nightgown she wore. The part that really made me laugh the most was when Howard broke into Ted's (Phil Hartman) house and stole the Turbo Man doll that was supposed to be for Johnny (E.J. De La Pena). This was because Ted's reindeer charged at Howard and caused him to set the living room carpet on fire. That was absolutely hilarious! In conclusion, I highly recommend this holiday smash to everyone.. especially all you Arnold Schwarzenegger fans who have not seen it. When you see it, prepare to laugh and have a good time.
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Funny Arnold Flick
As a fan of Arnold it was hilarious seeing him run through this silly Christmas flick. One liners and all the Terminator is here to cause laughter :D
This is no more no less really, just a funny Arnold flick. There were a few unnecessary bad words but overall the film contains a good message. It may come out as ridiculous at first but look at it. Some things it says are true. Most of us have done the last minute Christmas hunt for a silly plastic toy. The film just shows this in a comical matter. The extreme measures these two men show to get this toy only makes for more fun.
All the actors performances were nothing outstanding but just what you would expect. Considering the content of this film you can't really go anywhere but down acting wise. The actors filled their roles well and their is no one else I would have liked to see more as the father then Schwarzenegger.
The film also shows how some people go all out on Christmas but they fail to get the true meaning of what it is really all about. They fail to teach their kids what really matters, instead appeasing them with insignificant toys and games. The grand Turbo man display in the Christmas parade leaves one thinking, has Christmas got that commercial? I guess I am taking this flick to seriously though, considering how ridiculous it is.
At points the over the top nature of the film, such as Arnold flying in the turbo man suit, left me shaking my head. However it left me laughing hard more then not. Its a good break from all the serious films that always get you down. Lets face it, this kind of silliness is nice sometimes. You can just laugh out load and not worry about all the hidden meanings and such.
I saw the film expecting stupidity and I got a lot of laughs! For a fan of Arnold or anyone looking for a fun laugh I'd suggest you go out and rent or buy this. Appropriate for the kids too!
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Absolutely Hilarious
meltdown65026 February 2006
Arnold plays a busy working father who never keeps his promises. He has one chance to redeem himself by getting his son a turbo man for Christmas. The only problem is it's Christmas Eve and turbo man is the hottest selling present ever.
Inspired by the sales of tickle me Elmo, this movie shows the crazy side of Christmas shopping as Arnold battles a disgruntled mail man, a police officer, a reindeer, a room full of people dressed as Santa clauses, fellow shoppers, and even chases a little kid through a play place.
His son's affection, trust, and his marriage are all on the line over him simply getting one toy. This is a great film that people of all ages will enjoy. 10/10
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Satirical wins out over stupid
A_Roode24 December 2005
Warning: Spoilers
This film has taken a great many knocks over the years and I'll be the first to admit that it does have flaws. The conclusion, especially, is so sickly sweet that it sends your eyes rolling like slot machine spinners. Some of the things that Arnie does as he gets more and more desperate to track down a Turbo man doll for his son are cringe-worthy (I'm thinking particularly of when he stalks a little girl in the ball room at the mall) but they ultimately do function within the larger scope of the film.
Arnold plays a father who was supposed to take care of getting a toy for his son. He's forgotten and has to go out on Christmas Eve to try and track one down. When he realizes that it is the hottest selling toy of all-time, High-jinx ensue.
The thing with Arnie is that you're either going to take him or leave him. If you find his accent aggravating, or his acting wooden, then stay away from this film because you're just not going to like it anyway. I don't think he's that bad in this and I would go so far as to say that it is probably his second most successful comedy ('Kindergarden Cop' being my first choice -- 'IT'S NOT A TOOMAH!!!' CLassic! Ha!). He's got an excellent supporting cast in this one: Jim Belushi as a seedy shopping mall Santa, Rita Wilson as Arnie's long suffering wife, Phil Hartman as the sugary sweet sleaze of a neighbour and of course the inimitable Sinbad. I would argue that the unlikely pairing of Sinbad and Arnie works extremely well and is probably the key to the film's success. Neither really has the acting chops to make the other look bad or out of place and so they are each able to hold their own when on screen at the same time.
There is a tendency to take this film too seriously. It has a great satirical viewpoint. Who among the retail warriors can watch this film and not throw their hands up in the air saying 'Idiots! You've left it to the last minute and you're getting exactly what you deserve!' Who among the legion of over-stressed and unlucky parents can't feel some sympathy for the plight of a man just trying to do right by his kid, even if it is a little too late? Jingle All The Way is a Christmas cure. It's a sharp point to puncture the over commercialism we get caught up in. This film is a chance to chuckle at ourselves and the insanity we leap into with enthusiasm annually. It is a ninety minute reality check and a chance to sit back, relax, and not take things so seriously. This isn't 'Scrooged,' or 'It's a Wonderful Life,' or 'A Christmas Carol.' It isn't the best of comedies or the best of Christmas films. But it is very honest about itself and not a bad way to spend the holiday.
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I call it a guilty pleasure!
TheLittleSongbird12 December 2009
Jingle All the Way is far from perfect, but it is fun and worthwhile. The plot tells of an overworked businessman who wants to buy a Turbo Man, the year's hottest toy, for his neglected son. In the title role of Howard Langston, Arnold Schwarznegger acquits himself well, particularly in the action sequences. The soundtrack is awesome, the film is not too bad to look at and the climax is a lot of fun if very far fetched. Sinbad is amusing is Myron, and James Belushi is great as the Crooked Santa. Phil Hartmann(while he has been better) is hilarious as Ted, the phone conversation between him and Howard is a hoot. Rita Wilson does a good job as the mother, and Jake Lloyd is cute as Jamie. The film has some nice messages for kids. While the film is funny in places, the humour is questionable sometimes. The film is also rather short, and perhaps a tad rushed. Also Brian Levant's direction could have done with a harder edge. Still, despite the failings, it is a fun Christmas comedy, that is not really to be taken seriously. I call it a guilty pleasure. 6/10 Bethany Cox
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Holiday Entertainment Scores A '10'
'Jingle all the way' is a fine Christmas movie a light-hearted comedy and family film and should be judged accordingly.. Considering the category, it gets an 'A' in my book.
I love this holiday gem, Arnold Schwarzenegger fan or not! Sinbad is a beautiful comedian and a solid casting choice for this holiday charmer. Add beloved Phil Hartman to the mix and great becomes better!
If you're looking for cheer during the holiday season, you'll find it here. Highly recommended, if you're in the mood for comedy, adventure and fun.. regardless of the time of season.
If you love to laugh, you'll love this film!
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Funny Christmas movie!
martinmcdonough17 November 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Let me just begin by saying that when watching ANY holiday themed movie, the viewer has to realize that no matter what happens the ending will be exceptionally predictable, if not totally unbelievable. Movies of this ilk have to have a warm, sweet, sappy ending and tend to have a 'that'll never happen' air about them - otherwise they wouldn't be holiday movies.
That being said, this film takes a pretty good, and funny, route to getting to that predictable ending. Most Christmas movies deal with, and poke fun at, the 'nostalgia' and expectations of the season - dinner with unbearable families, rotten kids (or bad ones who learn the meaning of the season), lights, and so on and so forth. This one takes aim at the overblown commercialism of the season with hilarious results. Schwarzenegger and Sinbad play off each other with exceptional comedic timing, and improvised one-liners by Sinbad (such as his cry of 'Rodney King! Rodney King!' while being pummelled by toy store patrons) added to the humor all the more. Arnold plays his role as an overworked father trying to make up for lost time and keeping his promise of getting his son the hottest toy of the season - a Turbo-Man action figure - all the while competing against Sinbad for all it's worth.
Jim Belushi as a black market-dealing Santa was a stroke of genius, and the warehouse scene ('I AIN'T GOING BACK TO THE JOINT!') was inspired. Schmaltzy Phil Hartman was just that - his typical self absorbed, schmaltzy, self - and he portrayed a phony divorced dad playing on the sympathies of the neighborhood ladies with a feel of 'genuine fakeness' that made you laugh every time he was on camera.
Yes, the ending was unbelievable. Yes, the ending was predictable. But that's what holiday movies are supposed to be. The ride getting to that point, however, was well worth it.
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Funny and a classic to watch in Christmas
Lady_Targaryen21 June 2006
Warning: Spoilers
'Jingle All the Way' is a very cool movie I watched when I was 10 years old, and only watching it again so many years later, I recognize the boy who plays Jamie, to be the young Anakin Skywalker in the first movie! Anyway, I don't agree with the low rating of this movie, because it is a classic to watch in Christimas and I remember having much fun with it, even having some bizarre or impossible things happening in the story. (Let's not forget that it is a movie and the main goal is to have fun! And only now, I discover that the actor who played Ted in this movie,Phil Hartman,is dead.)
In the story, Arnold is a busy father, who forgets to buy the toy his son wants for Christmas (Turbo man), and will be in the most ridiculous and funny situations to see if he have a chance to save Jamie's happiness.
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Unmissable Christmas-Movie
Mr. Loew14 December 1999
This Arnold flick is so great in countless ways. Mainly because it is a kick in the nuts to our modern commercial Christmas. After seeing this movie, you have to admit that our way of celebrating Christmas is a tragic joke.
It shows all these obnoxious little brats, brainwashed by commercials and selfish dreams. It shows the desperation of their parents, dying to satisfy needless means.
It shows the decay of the western society, filled with egoism and evil. Arnold is extremely funny, and the rest of the cast is great for this story.
A great scene is when Arnold punches a raindeer in the face. This is just what this movie is - a knockout for Santa.
Every person who`s planning a materialistic Christmas (that means everybody)ought to see this brilliant movie. This is naturally no favorite among those who prefer a commercial Christmas, but I don`t think YOU want to stay in that group...not after 'Jingle all the Way'.
Merry non-commercial and more religious Christmas!
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Brilliant Family Christmas Movie!
This is a really funny family movie! There's plenty of funny, touching moments in it and it's very colourful, adventurous stuff. The basic storyline is that Howard Langston (Arnie) has forgotten his son's christmas present of a Turbo Man action figure, but the shops have all sold out! It's christmas eve and Howard has only 24 hours left! What Howard doesn't bargain for is the fact that psycho sad Mario (Sinbad) has got to get one for his son too! Throughout most of the movie there's basically Arnie and Sinbad nearly killing eachother to get their mitts on this Turbo Man doll and trying to beat eachother to it no matter what it takes! There's some very funny moments throughout the movie and some surprises too! Rent this lovely film out and sit back and get festive! Thumbs up!
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Perfect Family Christmas Fun
Angelus222 October 2010
Warning: Spoilers
Howard is a lousy father, who spends more time in the office then with his family. However, after letting down his son for the last time, he promises to buy his son the ultimate Christmas present, a 'Turbo Man'..But, finding it, will be the real mission.
Growing up, I always watched this film at Christmas with my brothers. It's one were the entire family can sit down and laugh together as Schwarzenegger battles Sinbad to bring home his son's present. In my opinion its the perfect Christmas film.
The jokes are funny, the mayhem is hilarious and the physical aspects of the film are just fantastic to watch.
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Arnold Schwarzenegger leads an all star cast in a Christmas classic!

Jingle All The Way Hd Movie Download

gibsondwl9 October 2006
It is hard to say whether or not the cast and crew of this film knew what they had on their hands when they began production in late 1995. What is easy to say, however, is that their combined efforts have created the defining film of the 1990's, paving a way for thousands of films to follow. In history it is often hard to pin point and exact time in which everything changed forever, but Jingle All The Way provides an exact date, November 22, 1996. In the vain of such masterminds as Spielburg, Scorsese and Copolla, Brian Levant ignites so many powerful emotions during the coarse of the perfected time (of 85 minutes) that watching this film is like discovering yourself. It brings out so much personal history effortlessly and shows us what it means to be human. Casting Director Judy Taylor shines here with her impeccable choices of future starlet Jake Lloyd and her spot on choices of Schwarzenegger and Sinbad as the leads. It is especially masterful in the casting of Schwarzenegger who seems more vulnerable here than in any other performance either he has given or any other actors in 90's cinema. The character of Howard Langston is really a powerful metaphor to the common day workingman. He is tired, over worked and under appreciated. Schwarzenegger reminds us of all these traits without over acting, which shows his artistic genius. Speaking of sheer genius, Sinbad gives a tour de force performance as a rattled post office employee, just trying to please his son. If Schwarzenegger is ying, Sinbad is his perfect yang. The two play off each other's energy in an entirely unique way that has not since been repeated in film. Not only does this film have an unbelievable cast, but the locations are inspired and show that there are still some cinematographers who are doing their jobs. The locations are some of the most beautiful in all of film history. The locations of the film actually take it from just a masterpiece of cinema but a masterpiece of art. All in all, no other film will or can make you cry, laugh, smile and become shocked than Jingle All The Way. This film single handedly revived the drought that the movie industry was dying from.
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This movie is about a 2 men looking for the same toy for their sons.
husnain_0512 December 2005
This movie is great and the title sounds as interesting just like the movie. Arnold was good in this film as taking the main role.
Sinbad was good but not as good as he was in Good Burger but i,m glad he won an award for this film because he really deserved it a lot because his acting really payed off.
Jake Lloyd was good as playing the son of Arnold and Rita. I am Glad that this film won an award even though it should have won more for best actor in a leading role because this was his best movie ever.
This movie is about 2 different men who are looking for the same toy for their sons but find out that it is so hard.
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Is it just me or is Arnold really starting to scare people?
Smells_Like_Cheese4 February 2004
Warning: Spoilers
Sigh, Jingle All the Way, how this film has a rating that is above the 4.0's on IMDb boggles my mind. This is one of the scariest films of all time. First off, we have Arnold Schwarzenegger, The Terminator, he's playing this wacky almost like 80's silly comedy show type of Father Knows Best. Second, I think this is the film that just gives up on us, it goes from alright to stupid to silly to bad to just plain awful. Third there is nothing redeemable about this movie: the terrible acting, the lousy story, the crappy moral behind it's shallow message, and Arnold's accent, granted the accent has gotten him a career, but still it's disturbing the way he presents some of his lines. Not to mention that for some odd reason they put Sinbad in this movie, sorry to say but he is just not funny, actually no body, even one of the best voice actors of all time: Phil Hartmen.. I can't believe he took on this movie.
Howard Langston is often busy at his job, and has a hard time finding time for his wife, Liz and his young son, Jamie - especially when compared to next door superdad divorcé, Ted Maltin. After breaking his word again by missing Jamie's karate grading, Howard resolves to redeem himself and his marriage by fulfilling Jamie's ultimate Christmas wish, an action figure of Turbo-Man, a popular children TV superhero. Unfortunately, as is the habit with him, Howard has promised to buy that figure earlier that year and then promptly forgotten about it. To make things even harder, Turbo-Man toys are the must-have gifts of the season, and stocks of Turbo-Man toys are quickly drying up all over the country. Desperate not to disappoint his family again, Howard embarks on an epic city-wide quest to find the toy everyone's looking for. Along the way, Howard encounters Myron Larabee, a postal worker dad with a rival ambition, and the two quickly become bitter competitors in their race for the action figure. The chase begins to arise the ire of a police officer whom Howards keeps running into, and one of the most memorable scenes includes Howard desperately hooking up with a band of brand-spoofing crooks and ending up thrashing them. In addition, Ted attempts to hit on Liz, which she eventually turns down hard. The search climaxes with both dads masquerading as live action stuntman in a department store parade. As the 'real' Turbo-Man, Howard uses the opportunity to present a coveted limited-edition Turbo-Man doll to his son in the crowd. But before he can recognize his dad, Jaime is chased around the parade by Myron, dressed as Turbo-Man's arch nemesis Dementor.
Jingle All the Way is just one of those movies that you wonder how in the heck it got green lighted. It's just so stupid, I love how the ending, Myron tries to kill a child to get a stupid toy for his son and all is forgiven so easily. Gotta love how Turbo-Man has an Austrian accent, muscle bound, square jaw, tall.. yet his own kid doesn't recognize him at all. Even the one scene that had a great joke, the bomb that was wrapped as a present, they even ruined that with a lousy slapstick joke that I know it was a family movie, but it just was stupid. But give or take, it's not that bad of a movie, there are some good jokes in it. I can't give Arnold a bad review, I just can't, it's not in my blood as a critic. There are some moments that are very funny like Arnold screaming at his neighbor for eating his wife's cookies. Also Arnold is just too likable as well as Phil Hartman. It's a light recommendation, not the worst movie of all time, but just one of the silliest.
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I almost swallowed my Texas chilli bowl i laughed so hard
filk200023 August 2006
Arnold at his very best, or should i say the Governor of California. Every Christmas since this masterpiece came out i've awaited it's return. When its on i put on my 'Jingle all the way clothes' complete with Cinncinati bow-tie. I wear these to fully enjoy the experience of viewing 'jingle'. At a mere 23 years of age i count myself so lucking i discovered it so soon in life. I see it as a mix between the Green mile and Around the world in 40 days. The main aspects of the film are comedy gold, a father desparetly trying to save the relationship with his son. Whilst his wife is under threat from a neighbour who'd like to have rumpy pumpy with her. Not since mowser in Police Academy have i expressed such anger at a film character. i had to take my Ritalin to calm down in the end Ha ha. Anyone who hasn't seen this film should make it a must see. Its the 90s equivalent of the Godfather. On a scale of 1 to 10, I'd give it a well deserved 16 thumbs up, Chenoble style. Holla
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Jingle All The Way!
Movie Nuttball24 December 2004
One of the most hilarious film of all time in My opinion is Jingle All The Way! It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger, Sinbad, Phil Hartman, Rita Wilson, Robert Conrad, Martin Mull, Jake Lloyd, James Belushi, Paul Wight, and Richard Moll. Arnold is very good in this film and he is funny. Sinbad is hilarious in this film. I amazed how big Sinbad is when he stands next to Arnold. Hartman is very good in this film too and he shows that he really was a quality actor. The wrestler Paul Wight who is a huge man also performed good. The action is really great and a lot of the scenes are really cool! The dialog is really smart in this movie. The music by David Newman is good. I really like this film and I think its one of the best! If you love Arnold and the other cast members and love Christmas action comedy films then I strongly recommend Jingle All The Way today!
Movie Nuttball's NOTES:
Here are some other Arnold recommendations: Conan the Barbarian, Conan the Destroyer, Red Sonja, The Terminator, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, Terminator 3: The Rise of the Machines, The Running Man, Raw Deal, Commando, Predator, Total Recall, Kindergarten Cop, Last Action Hero, True Lies, Junior, Eraser, Batman and Robin, End of Days, and Collateral Damage!
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Amusing, sometimes even darkly funny, Christmas movie.
hu67511 November 2010
Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is a true workaholic mattress salesman, who's been never been quite there for his sensitive son Jamie (Jake Lloyd). Since Howard missed his son karate class, he promises to make up for his mistakes if Jamie wanted an special gift for Christmas. Jamie wants an action figure of Turbo Man, the hottest Christmas toy of the year. Howard totally forgot to buy his gift. He is forced to go shopping on Christmas Eve, but Howard meet his match, an desperate postal worker named Myron Larabee (Sinbad). Which he turns out to be a major sicko. Now these two men are searching for this toy all over the city of Minneapolis. Howard also has to deal with his sleazy neighbour (The late Phil Hartman), who wants Howard's wife Liz (Rita Wilson).
Directed by Brian Levant (Problem Child 2, Beethoven, The Flintstones) made an enjoyable, wildly crazy Holiday movie about commercialism. Schwarzenegger does his best with his role as the absent father, who tries really hard to get 'Turbo Man' for his son for Christmas. Sinbad has some funny moment as Howard's arrival. But it is the late Hartman steals the show as the womanizer neighbour. Although 'Jingle All the Way' did so-so business at the box office, the film did went to have an loyal cult following over the years.
DVD has two versions, the original theatrical version and the extended version with five minutes of additional footage. Which both versions are fine, probably die-hard fans of the movie will stick to the theatrical version. DVD has an sharp anamorphic Widescreen (1.85:1) transfer and an good Dolby Digital 5.1 Surround Sound. DVD includes three featurettes, two games and an photo gallery. I would have love, if they added an filmmaker's commentary track. 'Jingle All the Way', it is an fun movie to watch during the holidays, along with 'Richard Donner's Scrooged', 'National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation', 'The Ref' and 'Bad Santa'. Which all these holidays movie are darkly humorous. 'Jingle All the Way' is notable for being Schwarzenegger's last comedy. James Belushi (Schwarzenegger's co-star from 'Red Heat') appears in a amusing supporting role as a con man, dressed an Santa Claus. Don't miss it. (****/*****).
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Despite Some Flaws, It's a Great Satirical View of Christmas Shopping..
fearfulofspiders14 September 2008
Warning: Spoilers
There's a lot of laughs to behold in Jingle All the Way. There's a few flaws I should point out immediately. A few jokes go a little far, such as the pedophilia incident in the mall, the crazy black father, and the amount of laws broken by Arnie's character. Those aside, the entertainment still makes it a great satirical view of Christmas shopping in those final hours.
The acting is all pretty good. Sure, not one of the performances required a great deal of depth to create or portray, but each of them are ones we can relate to, in which there is success. The music is full of typical holiday jingles, and a few quirky cues for the helter-skelter that occurs now and again. As far as comedy goes, a lot is dependent on slapstick, though there are a few running jokes, and Sinbad has some great scenes -- especially with the 'bomb'.
All in all, I highly recommend this for any family to watch on Christmas. I talk mine into watching a little mini-marathon of films to fill out the rest of the morning, and it provides for a nice 90-minutes.
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    • 8+
    • 15%
    • UHD
    • CC
    • 1 Hour 29 Minutes

High powered businessman Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is hard at work taking last-minute orders from customers to whom he just can't say no, including his son, Jamie (Jake Lloyd), who asked for the hottest action figure of the season -- Turbo Man! Unfortunately, Howard is facing one BIG problem. It's Christmas Eve and Turbo Man has been sold out since Thanksgiving! Howard's down-to-the-wire trek to find Turbo Man quickly turns into an odyssey wilder than he could have ever imagined. In the course of his seemingly endless Yuletide misadventures, he finds himself in a no-holds-barred fight-to-the-finish with a crazed postman named Myron (Sinbad), who is out to claim the last Turbo Man for his kid. It's enough to scare away even the bravest of men. But to Howard, this is war -- and he's determined to matter what!

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Jingle All The Way Full Movie In Hindi Free Download

High powered businessman Howard Langston (Arnold Schwarzenegger), is hard at work taking last-minute orders from customers to whom he just can't say no, including his son, Jamie (Jake Lloyd), who asked for the hottest action figure of the season -- Turbo Man! Unfortunately, Howard is facing one BIG problem. It's Christmas Eve and Turbo Man has been sold out since Thanksgiving! Howard's down-to-the-wire trek to find Turbo Man quickly turns into an odyssey wilder than he could have ever imagined. In the course of his seemingly endless Yuletide misadventures, he finds himself in a no-holds-barred fight-to-the-finish with a crazed postman named Myron (Sinbad), who is out to claim the last Turbo Man for his kid. It's enough to scare away even the bravest of men. But to Howard, this is war -- and he's determined to matter what!

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Ratings and Reviews

Jingle All The Way Movie Download Full

162 Ratings

Jingle All The Way Full Movie In Hindi Free Download Hd

Critics Consensus:Arnold Schwarzenegger tries his best, but Jingle All the Way suffers from an uneven tone, shifting wildly from a would-be satire on materialism to an antic, slapstick yuk-fest.

Ahnold terminates the holiday spirit.

Cast & Crew

Arnold Schwarzenegger
Phil Hartman
Rita Wilson
Robert Conrad
Brian Levant
Chris Columbus
Michael Barnathan
Mark Radcliffe
Randy Kornfield

Artists in This Movie

See All

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